May 25-28, 2021
7th May 2021 (Online)
Trainer: RESOLV RDM Taskforce
From 22 to 24 March 2021. For RESOLV's PhDs and postdocs. All online.
Every Monday in 2020.
Prof. Dr. Frédéric W. Patureau
RWTH Aachen
November 23rd, at 3 pm
ZOOM Online Meeting.
19 November 2020
Inspiing the scientists of tomorrow: Educational project will award pupils that present good research exercises in Solvation Science.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Ruhr-Konferenz exchanged views - the RUB was present with the new incubator for chemical start-ups Start4Chem and the competence field Metropolitan Research.
Steven P. Nolan
Ghent University, Belgium
11:15 h, RUB, ZEMOS 0.17
March 18, 2020
Beckmanns Hof, Bochum