Browse events-archive

Oct 2019
  • Seminar

STM-based nearfield techniques: principles and applications

Dr. Natalia Martin Sabanes

Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin

13:00 h ID 05/158

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Oct 2019
  • Colloquium

Theoretical ‘’Beamlines’’ for Modern Spectroscopic Experiments

Prof. Dr. Sonia Coriani

Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark

15:00 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Oct 2019
  • Seminar

Solving mechanistic puzzles of some transition metal-catalyzed processes: Finding the opportunity in the middle of the difficulty

Dr. Mónica Pérez-Temprano

Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Tarragona, Spain

11:00 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Oct 2019
  • Colloquium
  • Transfer

Solvation Science Meets High Pressure Bioscience: RESOLV – 10th IMBP – DFG FOR 1979

29 September - 03 Oktober 2019

Dortmunder U (Leonie-Reygers-Terrasse, 44137 Dortmund)

Joint conference of the German Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation Science), the 10th International Meeting on Biomolecules under Pressure (IMBP) and the DFG research unit FOR 1979

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Sep 2019
  • Colloquium
  • Gender
  • Highlight


9-10 September 2019

Bochum, Germany

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Aug 2019
  • Seminar

Contrasting hydration behavior of some solvent mixtures and electrolytes

Prof. Rajib Kumar Mitra

S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata - India

14:15 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Aug 2019
  • Seminar

Tetrapod Nanocrystals: Using Four Arms to Gain Traction on Overall Water Splitting – Part 1

Nick G. Pavopoulos

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Amirav Lab

10:00 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Jul 2019
  • Seminar

Carbodicarbene Odyssey: Meeting a Chimera in Captodative Donor-Acceptor Mythology

Prof. Tiow-Gan Ong

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

11:15 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Jul 2019
  • Seminar

Halogen bonding and ion-dipole interactions in low polarity solvents as tools for constructing (stereo)selective catalysts

Prof. Dr. Anton Vidal

Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) & Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), Tarragona & Catalan Institute for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain

17:15 h ZEMOS 0.17

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Jul 2019
  • Seminar

Towards Universal Machine Learning Model of Molecular Properties in Chemical Space

Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko

RU Physics and Materials Science, Université du Luxembourg

14:15h NC03/399

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