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Apr 2017
  • Workshop
  • Early Career


From 3rd to 5th of April 2017 the ECRs offer a 3-days Workshop "Scientific Writing" in English with the trainer Dr. Brian Cusack. Brian Cusack is a native English speaker and holds a PhD in natural sciences. From him, 10 PhD students learn how to overcome writing barriers and how to structure the own writing process.

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Mar 2017
  • Workshop
  • Early Career


The one-day workshop "Career strategies in international research careers" will address sucessful career strategies for international researches to pursue a career in Germany and for german researchers who aim at getting research experience abroad. The workshop will make up sucessful strategies for the communication in academia, industry, commerce and politics.

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Mar 2017
  • Colloquium

Water and Viruses

Prof. Alexander M. Bittner

CIC nanoGUNE and Ikerbasque, Donostia- San Sebastian, Spain

16:00 h, in ZEMOS

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Feb 2017
  • Highlight

RESOLV Klausurtagung 2017

Venue: Sportschloss Velen near Münster

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Feb 2017
  • Colloquium

Water oxidation - from photosynthesis to biomimetic oxides for solar fuels

Prof. Holger Dau

Physics Department, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

4:15 h, in ZEMOS

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Feb 2017
  • Outreach

Solvation Science and RESOLV portrayed in magazine "Chemie in unsere Zeit"

Nearly every biological reaction takes place in a aqueous solvent. The magazine "Chemie in unserer Zeit" presents the latest researches about Solvation Science in their first issue 2017.

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Jan 2017
  • Workshop


Our body presents ourselves. It makes our personality visible to others. To know about these “hidden” messages is a key factor in all interpersonal communication. In this workshop the trainer Nina Winter shows how to return to our natural body expression by means of the Alexander technique which leads to a relaxed, authentic self-appearance. Please download the complete workshop description.

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Jan 2017
  • Highlight

RESOLV New Year Reception 2017

In 2017 the first RESOLV New Year Reception took place in the new ZEMOS building. RESOLV announced the strategic involvement of all partners within the University Alliance Ruhr in the next application phase.

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Nov 2016
  • Workshop
  • Early Career


On 28th of November Dr. Wilma Simoleit will offer a workshop for postdocs and young research group leaders with succeeding individual coaching sessions on 29th of November. Wilma Simoleit will give an overview of available funding lines and give hints and advice on how to write successful proposals.

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Nov 2016
  • Early Career
  • Transfer


On 24th of November 2016 again 40 PhD students and early postdocs used the chance to talk to seven guests - CEOs, Department Managers, R&D Managers and Alumni - about possible future career options during a delicious dinner buffet in restaurant Strätlingshof in Bochum. Download the Guest list.

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