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Mar 2016
  • Outreach

From test tube into the cell

A new method of high-resolution rotational spectroscopy allows to differentiate chiral molecules in gas phase. RESOLV scientists Simon Ebbinghaus and Matthias Heyden present novel technical possibilities in the latest issue "Nachrichten aus der Chemie".

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Feb 2016
Feb 2016
  • Outreach
  • Highlight

RESOLV short film at the Biophysical Society’s 60th Annual Meeting

The Cluster of Excellence RESOLV was featured in the short documentary titled ‘RESOLV- Ruhr Explores Solvation’, which was first included within the official TV broadcast at the Biophysical Society's 60th Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, February 27 – March 2, 2016, an event that attracted more than 7000 delegates. Since then the video has been in display on WebsEdge website and Education YouTube…

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Feb 2016
  • Colloquium

Molecular photofragmentation dynamics in the gas and condensed phases: similarities, differences, challenges and opportunities

Prof. Mike Ashfold

School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, U.K.

16:00 h, in NC 02/99


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Jan 2016
  • Early Career


The formation of strategic networks is an essential keystone for a scientific career. The Workshop on 28th of January 2016 offered a tool to analyse current research networks and will describe methods to extend networks in an appropriate direction. 12 PhDs, postdocs and junior research group leader participated.

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Jan 2016
  • Colloquium

Computational Chemistry in the Drug Discovery Industry

Dr. Daniel Seeliger

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Lead Identification and Opt. Support, Ingelheim

14:15 h, in HNC 10

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Jan 2016
  • Outreach
  • Highlight

RESOLV Exhibition

The RESOLV Exhibition about water will be shown from 04.01. - 12.02.2016 in RUB Blue Square in Bochum City Center. There will be an accompanying experimental program for school children.

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Jan 2016
  • Highlight

RESOLV New Year's Reception 2016

In 2016 RESOLV's New Year's Reception took place in RUB Blue Square in Bochum City Center together with the opening of the RESOLV exhibition.

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Dec 2015
  • Colloquium

Recent DFTB extension for improving accuracy and boosting the efficiency for computational applications to nanomaterials

Prof. Thomas Frauenheim

Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, University of Bremen, Germany

14:15 h, in ND 03/99

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Dec 2015
  • Colloquium

ParLig: Paramagnetic Ligand Tagging to Identify Protein Binding Sites in Solution

Prof. Mate Erdelyi

Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Göteborg, Sweden

10:30 h, in ND 03/99


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