Highlight Publications

Dec 2020
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How water helps the substrate into the enzyme

PNAS: An international research team has investigated water molecules in a tiny cage – and discovered previously unknown properties.

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Dec 2020
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How biological nanotransporters extract drugs from cells

High-performance computers allow us to uncover details about the transport of molecules through cell membranes.

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Nov 2020
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Detecting bacteria with fluorescent nanosensors

Nat. Comm.: Luminous carbon nanotubes detect pathogens – and are quick and easy to use.

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Nov 2020
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Measuring pH locally with terahertz spectroscopy

Angew. Chem.: Nowadays, it is easy to determine an average pH for larger quantities of liquid. It is a challenge, however, to define a local pH value

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Nov 2020
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A ruler for DNA G-Quadruplex molecular sandwiches.

Angew.Chem.: RESOLV collaboration shines light on a jammed topic.

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Oct 2020
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Internal dynamics in the active center of an enzyme believed to be rigid

Angew. Chem.: Carboanhydrase hCAII has found its way into the textbooks of drug discovery as a drug target with a particularly rigid active pocket. With the help of detailed NMR spectroscopic analysis, the group of Prof. Dr. Rasmus Linser has now been able to show that this picture needs to be revised, which advises caution when interpreting classical structural data for estimating the "dynamic…

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Aug 2020
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Giant nanomachine aids the immune system

PNAS: A small but important step towards a successful immune reaction is performed by an impressive nanomachine. Researchers use simulations to understand how it works.

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Aug 2020
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Making enzymes fit for industrial applications

Angew.Chem.: Bacterial enzymes are often powerful but also very sensitive catalysts. To call up their performance, they therefore need a special environment.

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Aug 2020
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Challenges in the development of electrocatalysts

Angew.Chem.: Efficient catalysts are crucial for energy conversion. However, findings from basic research rarely make it into practice at present.

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Aug 2020
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New kind of interaction discovered in hydrogen-producing enzymes

PNAS: In hydrogenase enzymes, the transports of protons and electrons have been considered to be separate events until now. However, coupling is the key to success here.

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